Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Planet You Save Could Very Well Be Your Own

Every day in the news (Tv, web etc) is another story containing more proof that Global Warming has started. It is no longer an "if" or "perhaps" nor any other variation of "might happen". G.W. is here, it upon us, has already started affecting people/ animals (especially in our own Arctic). It is imperative that everyone do what one can to halt it. Now one might believe that there is little that one individual can do, but think, the current situation is upon us due to individuals. Whether one joins a group to fight it or acts alone, act one must. The planet is depending upon you.

- e-mail your environment minister (national & local), nothing worries a politician more than losing the next election. Don't say you don't have time, skip a blog one day, nobody will mind.

- recycle everything possible, not just what you aquire, but pick up stuff of the road that other morons toss aside. That plastic milk container that bottle pickers don't want is recyclable. take it home and put it in the blue box. Ditto for other things such as newspapers, nails/nuts/bolts and lots more.

- don't flush the toilet for just a pee, let it be. (OK, not forever, but every 3rd time is ok. While water may be plentiful in some areas, the processing of sewage uses a large amount of energy and chemicals. A bucket of sludge gets the same treatment as a bucket of pure water).

- dry laundry on the line whenever possible (yes it can even be done partially when it is cold. Every little bit helps).

- turn off the 'puter when not in use (they really do use a lot when left on, and no, turning them of and on a few times a day does not wear them out any faster. That is a myth). A study in Britain found that Brits leaving electronic equipment (TVs, stereos, computers etc.) on "standby" (which includes things turned off but plugged into the wall, because they are the biggest electricity users in this category), used the energy equivalent in one year to fly the entire poputation of Glasgow to New York (& return) on jumbo jets.

- just because it is garbage/recycling day does not mean you have to put something out on the curb. If your blue box is not full, don't put it out. The truck stopping for your unfilled box is a waste of energy and is counter-productive. Ditto for the garbage. If it is not smelly (and it shouldn't be most of the time), wait till next week. If you have so much that if you waited a week to put it out that you would be over the limit, shame on you! and I mean it. No houshold, no matter how large (even 8 people) should ever in the course of an average week produce more than a small bag of garbage.

More Planetary rescue measures to follow when the spirit moves me. I only include measures which I have done or currently do.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

we are the only ones who don't fill the city given garbage we asked for a smaller one and we therefore pay less for pick up.