Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bike Bike Bike...

...was Rad Rad Rad. (Anglo/German pun). Saturday May 10th. OK, I didn't go to all the events as my elbow was acting up. But there was polo and bike games, specifically mini-bike games. I really wanted to be there, but discretion is the better part of valour. So I prepped myself for the movie night/dance party at The Chair Factory. The said same Chair Factory of other bike events, most notably the Mini-bike "Thunderdome" of Velomutations 2006 (see "Six Drink Rule" for more details, & check youtube for videos).

As usual, The Chair Factory didn't disappoint. First it was the bike movie shorts, as compiled by Ranae. There was quite the mix of older and newer stuff. Those old 'public service announcement' 'educational' ones are funny, in a bizarre way. I really liked "Tag" with (now "our own") Khaled Ben-Rabha, and of course the B:C:Clettes vs. Sexy Back video. I've seen their "Sexy Back" routine before, but the video has a new twist to it. Really cool.

Now, the dance party. I suspended the "Six Drink Rule", and when the dancing started I had only had one 'Spark', and was starting on my second. I don't recall when the dancing started, but I didn't stop until 03:15-ish. I spent the next 1/2 hr (abouts) casually picking up cans & glasses (and there were a lot of them!!!). Then I left. I checked my watch just before I went to get my bike, and it was 03:45. Then I very slowly rode to work (both because I didn't want to get there too soon and because my legs were bagged from jumping about almost non-stop for some 5.5 hours, or whatever it was).

Riding the bike route on E 10th Ave west of Clark Dr was pretty cool. The cherry blossoms were falling like giant pink snowflakes. They were all over the road and cars, and in the air.

I arrived at work an hour & change early. The morning was mostly OK. I had periods of chipperness, and some periods of extreme exhaustion, but I got through it without any mishaps or errors.