Thursday, October 05, 2006

Critical Mass Sept 29th

On the way in, there was another person on the bus with a bike, and when she got of at Broadway I thought 'too bad she's not going to CM'. It is good to have more people, but not too many from The Rock, otherwise we all end up competing for the same 2 rack spots. After I got to the VAG, met lots of recent aquaintances, socialised as usual, and we left about 18:15. As I hit Howe St, there she was, the other WRer. Said hi etc. She got off the bus early to go to the dollar store. All in all it was a pretty good turn-out, thanks to the weather. The ride included 1 naked (weell, almost. he was wearing socks and shoes) man and 2 topless women (all 3 regulars. I've seen them before). It was a little frustrating at first, as the head of the pack kept making turns so we were rather bunched up and going so slow. Eventually we went for a few longer straight stretches. Ended up at the Anza Club around 8 for the after party. Stayed for a couple hours, mostly outside as I had a headache) briefly tried a fixie. Left about 22:00 to catch the bus home.

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