Saturday, January 20, 2007

Darn that freekin' WiFi neighbour

For the past couple weeks my interneting has been limited to the 4 days a week at work. The unsecured network of the witless neighbour has not been available. The signal is too weak to connect. The network shows up for a few seconds and is gone. Very frustrating when you try to use someone else's internet but can't! I think the person must have changed the router's location, and something is interfering with/blocking the signal.

I've started working another day per week. (Egad! 5 days a week! you say, How on Earth can one survive with only 2 days off per week? I don't know, but I'm starting to find out.) It wouldn't be so bad if things/people didn't keep cropping up to use up my valuable down-time. And this weather! It has been a big time-sucker-upper. All the de-salting, re-lubing, packing around extra clothing/gear, not to mention the extra travel time required to get from A->B.