Sunday, February 25, 2007

Blog Hiatus over, for now.

It is 12 days since the last post, but I was a little busy. I decided to go to Portland for Mini Bike Winter IV ( Feb 14-19, but I wasn't going to be there for it all). Which meant that I had to finish prepping the mini by Thurs 15th when the 1st batch were leaving town in order to get a ride. We left the vicinity of The Pink Palace about 23:30, and arrived in Portland (PDX) at our crash-site (AKA The Kitten Shack, home of the previously mentioned Agent Lapis) at 04:15. I left Portland Mon 19th 09:15. In between was one BIG, LONG, ACTION PACKED FLURRY of MADNESS and PARTYING. I had thought about blogging the gory (litterally) details, but I was too tired afterwards that I needed recovery time. And now that nearly a week has gone, I don't really feel the urge to blog it. So go to the Midnight Mass blog (check lynx on the right) and let Midnight-Simon tell you his version. I have a bunch of pix/video not uploaded to any site, but I'll get around to it eventually. Note, while Simon has a 6 min. taste of the Charriot Wars Deth Match, mine is 28 mins long (just excuse my giggling in the background [when you eventually see my video] as it was extremely funny and wild, plus I was under the influence of Sparks*). My shift is coming to an end, gotta go.