Saturday, January 24, 2009

Random Update

Work is deathly slow theses days (apart from my recent training of a new employee, but that's another story). We're no longer allowed to do any personal internetting on the dispatch computer (since mind November when some idiot 'killed' the computer, the 2nd time in 6 weeks. It had to be taken away by the techie & wasn't returned for about a week.). So I brought in a half-dead laptop recently for internetting. I have to stave off the boredom somehow.

Mini Bike Winter VI is coming soon, so I'll be off to Portland again Feb. 12->16.

On Thursday I picked up a couple of full-faced bike helmets (free), so unless I find a cheap motorcycle FF helmet very soon I'll be using one of them Zoobombing in P-town.

I haven't been to any bike events since the Halloween Alleycat, and it is getting me down. I've missed so many Midnight Masses & Critical Masses. I might not even be ale to attend "Carded" tonight (although that isn't a 'bike' event, alot of the bike crew will be there).

Jan. 20th was "Pengiun Awareness Day", of course people need to be more than 'aware', but if I explored that topic fully I might 'accidentally' contravene a few sections of the C.C.C., so maybe some people ought to 'beware' MWA HA HA HA!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Tyra

25 years.