Monday, May 21, 2007

Carrying on the week-end's activities (read scans 1st)

So I watched the polo Saturday, looked like a lot of fun. But as I really couldn't risk accidental dammage to my main ride ('cuz bike polo can be hazardous to your bike's health) I didn't join in when any of the games started. I t did rain off and on, at one point enough for me to put on my rain pants. I did have some left-overs from Fri. night, so I drank them (4). I took a few pictures, I'll put them up on Picasa soon. Ditto for Fri's BBQ. Eventually the last few players started to pack it in, and I headed for the bus. It was into the hourly service time, so I had to wait 45 mins, and got on @ 19:11 Broadway & Granville. Got home an hour later, had some bulgur again, and went to bed.
Sun. 0300, alarm goes off. I'm still tired and I have preparations to do, but I decide to wait for alarm #2 (0315), same again, but for #3 @ 0330 I actually get up. I have my pre-ride drink (an own preparation of Creatine, açai powder mix (from Nu Greens, has other stuff in it), Glutamine, Chromium/Vanadium, and some other pre-mix I can't recall at present, mixed in juice). I pack up my breakfast and put in in my pack, along with my ride drink, stuff I might get around to doing during the slow times at work, snacks, lunch, cameras, etc., put on my gear. Doing these things while tired takes alot longer that it should. Now it is 0400, what I consider ideal departure time. But I was hoping to rig some way of taking the mini with me for "RolloDerby" (like rollerderby, but on mini-bikes). After about 15 mins I thought I had it all set, but when I tried it in the driveway it became obvious that it wouldn't work. So more time wasted as I detatch the mini and put it back in the house. A quick time check, 0422, eeek, gotta hammer it all the way now. The usual removal of now superfluous clothing at KGH & 144A, time check KGH & #10 0445 means I've made up some time, but I'm still behind schedule, got out my drink early @ #10Hwy & 138th (the street doesn't actually go through, but one can see it through the trees), on 128th turning left onto 72nd its now 0500, and I should be at Scott Rd, so I'm doing OK now, as long as I can keep up the pace. I boot it down 72nd averaging 37km/h, but when I hit the downhill by 112St I'm up to 60km/h (I think the car behind me that is inchingly gaining is surprised, I past by him/her at stopped at a cross street a ways back). I know 60 really isn't that fast, but when carrying weight it makes a big difference to the handling, and that hill isn't steep enough or long enough to go much faster than that. The weather starts to change as I'm on the Alex Fraser, so mid-span I put my jacket & pants back on as well as reverting to the full fingered gloves. The sidewalk is wet, so I can't go more than 35km/h down the other side (when dry it is safe to do 42km/h). I get accross the footbridge over Hwy91A at 0525, meaning I'll get to work on time. When I make it to Westminster Hwy west of the 91 overpass I settle in to a 30km/h-90rpm groove which lasts all the way to Sidaway/Jacombs. Cool. Usually I change up my cadence and gearing because it feels better, but this time I really hit "the zone". I felt great. I had been travelling on the bike path on the South side of Westminster, but now I had to change to the right side. I didn't do it when the path ended because of traffic (didn't want to spoil the groove), and now on the Frontage road at Sidaway there was more traffic, including a cop car, so I had to stop & hit the "walk" button. When I restarted my legs didn't feel to co-operative at first, but then it was OK. The groove was gone, but I still maintained a decent speed, varying from 27->32 km/h., and got to work with a few mins to spare. Time check 0556. 1 hour 34 mins. My best "loaded" time yet. About 6 yrs ago I did 1hr 25 min trip, but I wasn't carrying any weight, and I had slept in and was going to be late. Younger legs + incentive = better time.
The work day was pretty much the same crap as always, unfortunately, and it pissed rain most of the time, and still was when I left. So not having the mini was OK, I just went home. After a while I made a fire from the willow I stashed away the other day. I was looking forward to tomorrow (today) with a planned group ride from E Van to Sasamat Lake before going to work.
Unfortunately, when I got up at 0800 I had a kink in my back, and its muscles were sore, so I decided not to go after all. Reported such on the Fixed Van. forum, had breakfast, and went back to bed. Got back up at Noon, went to work, and here we are in the present tense. Ahhhh, holiday Mondays! Extra slow (how else could I finish this long narrative), and real money to boot.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

course I know woodward hill from that other one...kgh and no 10 hwy.....dats johnston hill right?