Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Add'l Add'n

So last night after I got off the bus I checked out where the bikes were left for pick-up, and yes, the one I didn't take was still there, so I wheeled it home. Maybe I'll hack it up and make a skookum trailer out of the pieces. Also, the 2nd one's handle bar looks like a perfect fit to be my mini's new seat post. Hah! Full leg extension here we come!
It's nice that our neighbour's WiFi is more predictable these days (wink wink, nudge nudge)
1st day off of 3, errand day, 'cuz tomorrow is Midnight Mass, and Friday Critical Mass (THE PIRATE RIDE! YAAARRRR!!!). Oh yeah, this evening is a pre VeloDeco gathering. What is "VeloDeco"? Check the Bicycle Bee link the the right.
JE(A)F: Woodward Hill is the one on KGH from Colebrook Rd to 64th Ave, Johnston Hill is the one on Hwy 1 from the Port Mann Bridge to the 152nd exit, and for further knowledge, Peterson Hill is the one on KGH from 128th St to 108th Ave (East of the Patullo Bridge).
Ripped a couple of CD's and scanned the booklets for David.
Well, I'm off shopping for now. I need comestible supplies.

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