Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Spreading the VeloLove

Spreading the velolove, that is what I'll be doing soon. It's all part of velomutation, I'll be preparing with the Midnight Mass tomorrow. What is Midnight Mass? you ask. The answer is just a click away (in reverse chronological order).
Soon I'll be able to post my own tawdry little film clips. I got a little mount for the camera, and now just have to figure out a way to attatch it to Portia (my baby. One of The Rock's carless one day last year asked me how my Porsche was, so earlier in the summer when I was chatting up a local Bike-Babe on the 351 and asked her if her bike had a name, to which she responded no, I realised my baby was nameless. It struck me right away what her name was. Now, I know what your next question is. How do I know my bike is female? That is another post).

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