Friday, September 15, 2006

My 1st Midnight Mass

...the fisrt time had been successful, so with more speed the second time was bound to be even beter. My spedometer read 32km/h and I got ready to bail, unclipped, swung my leg off my bike and hopped onto the pavement. Holding onto the handlebars for stability yet not braking like before, I slid along listening to the grating of steel cleats on asphalt...
So in classical in medias rez style the story of my 1st Midnight Mass "begins".
The plan was simple. 23:45, Commercial @ Charles. Unfortunately Translink has a different idea of simplicity. Arrive 15 mins late or 45 mins early (it seems to be like that always). Decisions decisions. 351 gets one there faster and in more comfort, but the slower 321/skytrain combo means less hanging around at the end. I went with the latter.Leaving at 21:50, I arrived still with a ton of time to kill, so I rode down to check out the rendez-vous point,went beyond it for a bit then rode back (slowly, trying to use up the time) and had a Teen Burger @ Broadway & Commercial. OK, should be fine now, arriving 23:40. Ride around in circles for a bit, 23:46, still nobodyelse. Check my watch, yeah 14th is the 2nd thursday...23:48 2 cyclists arrive and I head over to inquire "Midnight Mass?" Yes. Another minute 2 more arrive, seconds afterwards a bunch more. By Midnight some 20->25 of us are there. Mostly aquainted with each other, but a few like myself are new. 00:08 informed we'll be leaving soon, just waiting for 1 or 2 people who are on the way to arrive. They do about 5 mins later and then ~00:20 we actually leave.
Most with lights a-flashing, but some unlit, the amassed group, now numbering 30 or so heads south along Commercial. A few passers by call out to the group (Take your clothes off! and One less car! were the 2 I could make out). Somebody in a silver sports car tries to pass the group, but oncomming traffic makes him pull back into the left-hand lane, but in the midst of our pack. So we swarm around him and carry on at our own pace for a few blocks. He gets the hint, slows down and turns left onto a side street to avoid us. An enjoyable start, cruising around the eastside in the dark.
After a while we end up at a deserted, yet popular, location. People are dying to get in there. Literally. (wink wink, nudge nudge).We have some refreshments (I wasn't the only one with a thermos, nor something stronger) and talk some more. Some people leave for home (work/uni in the morning) others talk about where to go next. It is decided upon. "The Crescent".
There are still about 20 of us when we get to The Crescent, and use it as our impromptu velodrome. Around and around, one way then the other, through the park in the centre, doing skids,180's and such, on the damp pavement, more talking and refreshments. Throughout the ride, one person has been taking pictures of the participants.
which brings us to the top of the post.
...I was sliding along quite nicely, but neglected to keep the bike at my side. Not enough mental preparation. It just eased a little in front, but mostly at my side at first, but took a sudden turn right in my path and we went down. Crash. And slid a bit more. Ah well. It was fun while it lasted. No harm really.
Unfortunately the bang on my elbow is exaclty the same spot as when I went down after being hit by a car in the spring, as is the one just below the knee. Really 2 awkward spots. Can't lean on my left elbow (very handy when bored at work) and left knee stiff and sore now, some 14 hrs later.
Wrapping things up, went to Naam restaurant in Kits afterwards with the remaining group (about 12 or 14). Left there around 03:30.
There is a little more to the story, but the basics is enough. I enjoyed my first Midnight Mass, I'll do it again.


Meredith said...

Sounds cool. My mom was wondering where you went that night.

Jennifer said...

certain sockies are on thier way to can count it as a belated birthday or early C-mas...whichever you like.