Saturday, September 22, 2007

September = Fun

Well, bike fun at any rate. Work is slowing down as the tourist high season winds down, so now the new computer system is being tweaked for implementation soon (it has been pushed back a few times for technical reasons). So work isn't fun. Tedious, yes.

Sept 13th was Midnight Mass. A bit of a fiasco. Didn't get very far before a newbie drops his chain. I stop to help out, his buddy stopped, the pack didn't. Called "hold-up", they didn't, not the protocol. After chain is back on, we start to boot-it to catch-up, the chain breaks. He says go on ahead, I'll switch bikes at home, & then phone to meet. Well now the pack is truly gone. We can find no sign of them, and the destination was a little vague, namely "let's hit some parking garages downtown". We cruise around looking for garages which have hoots & hollers emanating forthwith. Nada, niente, rien. Not at the usual spots. Oh yeah, besides me, the other 2 are also newbies (friends of broken chain), and are from Squ'ish (you know, up the coast a little, before Whistler), so I'm having to lead them, and the couple times the crew did parkades, I wasn't there, so I have no idea as to the most likely spots. Anyhoo, we decide to hang out by the former Plaza of Nations (no more roof, sigh) down by the water til the chainless one calls. Eventually he does show up, and after a bit more we go riding along the bikepath, under Cambie Bridge, then over it, along the False creek path to Granville Island. The suggestion is made to go to the "Granville Island Mountain" (yeah, that's what he called that lump of dirt. Kinda funny). So we do. And Lo and Behold... the missing Massers (OK, most of them, it had a few other splinter movements before we got there, I was later told). So a few cheers and story swaps and it is getting late (if we didn't find the main pack when we did, I was about to head for the 02:09 nightbus. As it was, I left shortly with some of the Eastward rollers and caught the same bus when it got to 10th & Kingsway, made it home for a 1.5 hr nap before getting up for work.

Fri sept 14th, worked extra, MC3 ride after going home to change bikes (to the new blue Norco). The ride ended up at Kits Beach in the dark. After chill time, Siegels Bagels, rolling eastwards to a burrito shop on main, more chill time, I just barely made it to the last 351 Granville & Broadway, and another 1.5 hr nap before riding to work again. And guess what. I felt great both days despite the lack of sleep. Mind you, I forgot to set my alarm next night, and overslept. But I only slept a total of 8 hrs

(YVR not co-operating, it's busy & I am having to work)

Fri 21 sept - the party/fun/games begin, the kick-off for Velomutation/Velofest etc. was the "Bike Porn" night. (add more later)

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