Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Aug 17th

(it is a little calmer at work now, so a few quick words)
On Friday the 17th, after doing 6hrs at work, I hopped on the bus to White Rock and headed to the border to catch up to the B:C:Clettes & supporters on their way to Bellingham for the roll-out of the Velo:City Tour. The group had a head start on me, but I was through the border crossing in about 8 mins. I caught up to the group about 1/2 hour south of Blaine (15km by road route) and we meandered our way to Bellingham, a 45km trip from the border, but the group had ridden from the King George SkyTrain Station before that.
We rode around, some of us ate burritos, checked out some of the scene in town, snooped in "The Hub" bike co-op (which was hosting the 'Clettes' performance), went on a Sparks/Tilt run. Later watched the bands play and the ladies do their routines, the usual party stuff. I was intending on riding straight to work around 01:30, but Jeff Lost had to go home early, and I got a ride with him & Kim so I was able to catch a couple hours sleep at home before riding to work.
I have some more pictures to upload, but have yet to do so. I haven't been taking enough pictures recently.
Upcoming events: Aug 23rd. Midnight Mass, Aug 31st Critical Mass, Sept 7th Chris Mass, Sept 21-23 Velo-Mutation (also CARcass Sept 22)......

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