Wednesday, September 27, 2006

More Catch-Up, The Alley Kitten

Friday, September 22nd, world car free day, after I raced off leaving my blog in mid-post (bloggus interuptus if you will) to catch the 351. Made it in the nick of time (again)(well, actually, if the bus had been on time it would have been in the nick of time, as it was I had to wait 10 mins for it). I arrived outside The Devil's place (666 Burrard)18:50 to watch the start of the inaugural Vancouver "Alley Kitten".

Just in case you didn't check it out from my link, it is/was a bicycle courier style race on little bikes. The Rules being no wheel/tire larger than 18" average diameter (yes, average. But can you imagine a competitor with elliptical wheels!!! The Rules Committee obviously has GSOH). So there was this massive horde of cyclists, big a small bikes, forming on the plaza outside "Park Plaza", a pair of parallel tape lines (black/yellow diagonal bars pattern, like "caution" tape without the "caution") about 15' apart, and as more people start gathering (last minute participants and more spectators) a puzzled and confused security guard comes out. You see, nobody told him, or any "authority" at the building what was going on, nor "asked permission" (as if!!).

He was standing off to the side, befuddled, when one of the organiseres dumps out a whole pile of tiny boxes on the ground between the tape lines. It will turn out that these boxes are single serving cereal packages (various flavours. Fruit Loops, Rice Krispies, etc.) with a sheet of paper attached to their outsides. The courier "manifest" for the race and map (after all, there were out of towners in this race). He came up to the pile and was going to pick one up, so somebody ran over to intercede, explaining that it was all part of the fun and that we'd all be gone shortly. I guess it worked, 'cuz he stayed off to the side. I suppose the guy with the big video camera asking him questions and the size of the throng probably helped ("discretion is the better part of valour" and all that jazz).

Anyway, settup was the participants put their rides on the ground outside one tape line, while they mass outside the other for the start( racers| packages |bikes ). The gun! they run into the middle, grab a cereal packet, remove the manifest, eat the cereal BEFORE they go get their bikes (remember, these are little kid bikes, for age about 5YO) and race of as per manifest instructions (multiple routes of equal distances and terrain) to the various stations/checkpoints where tasks had to be performed, and then on to the secret local for the finish (The Gazebo at Science World).

I didn't have time to secure a little bike, so I wasn't a participant. So after the start I helped to clean up the plaza of the scattered bits of cereal packets (security dude still watching) and other detritus (we left the cereal bits for the birds) and a pack of us went with the "trophy" (in a bin in a trailer) down Burrard to Pender, east to Shanghai Alley, south past Science World to the gazebo, raising a rukus the whole time, hooting and hollering etc. One of our number was the Reverend Phil (yes, an ordained minister) up from Portland. He was quite the sight riding along one-leggedly, crutches in a holster behind his saddle, the other leg in a huge cast (the result of a nasty mini-bike accident, bombing downhill in Portland).

After setting up the trophy in the Winner's Circle (or in this case octogon, the gazebo), were set about waiting for the racers by socialising. Liquid refreshments being the favoured time passer. It didn't take long for the first few to arrive, and I haven't the foggiest idea how long we were there befor we left (I could check the time stamps on my pictures, but who cares. Not I. I had plenty of refreshments, and lots to share. I had more takers than the previous night. We left, where/why I had no idea (I was pretty "refreshed", as were most of the others), but we were heading East on Terminal.

We ended at a little plaza on Clark rear the SkyTrain crossing and set up a little outdoor party with music (amplified. powered by a battery, battery voltage maintained by 3 bicycle/generator combos. People took turns pedalling). When the outdoor party started to break up, I checked my watch, it was about 23:30 and the last 351 home would be at Granville & Broadway around 00:15. HMMMMM, go to the 351 or the next party (at Midnight Simon's place) if I go to Simon's I know I will be up all night. You see, I have to be at work in 6.5hrs. It just didn't make sense either to go home because I wouldn't get there till 01:20, and would have to get up 2 hrs later to leave at 04:00 riding to Richmond. Ifny saw me checking my watch and asked if I was coming to the party. I briefly mentioned the choices/logistics (under 10 sec.) and she thought going to work from Simons rather than home sounded better. So did I (BTW, Ifny won the Alley Kitten, on "The Tickler". It has a fake-fur cover on its banana seat). Ahhhh, the party! It wasn't until 36hrs later that I remembered the evening's list of events included an item marked "Midnight -> late, Mini-Bike Madness". And What madness it was. I'll tell you about it later.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

what adventures you have....once at a party they hooked up a blender to a bike and they took turns pedaling to make the mararitas